
2023-01-28    分类: 网站收录

网站被搜索引擎收录的数量和质量关乎网站的排名,所以如何让网站正常每天收录是很重要的。下面将对于网站建设网站收录中2 个常见问题进行解答:
Web sites are websites for the quality and quantity of the site's ranking, so how to make a web site normal included every day is very important. Below will for the website construction site included two common problem in answer:
1、为什么我的网站建设之后不被搜索引擎收录? 经常有网友提问,说网站上线几个月甚至一年了,都没有被搜索引擎收录,这是怎么回事呢?如果一个网站是与世隔绝,那么,这个网站就像汪洋大海中的孤岛,谁也发现不了。 因此也会错过被搜索引擎收录的机会。 一个网站要被收录,好的办法就是与外部网站建立联系,让搜索引擎通过外部链接发现你的网站。例如,与其他已经被收录的网站交换链接,或者登陆相应的行业分类网站。使用 这种方式,网站一般会在一个星期内被搜索引擎收录。 此外,建议网站初步建设完以后,主动向搜索引擎提交网站的网址。让搜索引擎主动派蜘蛛 前来抓取页面。不过,皓也网站建设提醒你,提交后一般需要一个月左右的时间搜索引擎才会主动收录。
Why does my website construction is not search engine included after? Often netizens to question, says online site for several months or a year, and have not been websites, what is this? If a website is isolated, so, this site is like the vast sea island, who also be found. So will also miss the opportunity to be websites. A website to be included, the best way is to establish contact with external website, to the search engine through the external links to find that your website. For example, and the other has been included website link exchanges, or on the corresponding industry classification web site. Using this approach, the website will generally in a week in search engine included. In addition, the preliminary advice website construction finished, the initiative to search engine submission web site. Let the search engine spiders send to grab page initiative. However, hao also website construction remind you, after general need to submit to a month time search engine will active included.
2、为什么搜索引擎只收录网站的首页? 对于有些网站,皓也网站建设发现只收录其首页。出现这种情况,尚品网站建设认为有以下几点可以导致这种状况出现:
Why search engine only included the website homepage? For some sites, hao also website construction found only included the home page. Appear this kind of circumstance, shang pin website construction think have the following can lead to this situation appear:
1、网页中不存在任何指向内部其他页面的链接。常见于首页是纯FLASH 的网站,如果网站的首页是纯 FLASH 页面,则FLASH 文件里的链接指向的其他页面被搜索引擎收录的几率是极低的。
Web pages are not present in any other page to internal links. Common in the home page is pure FLASH web site, if the website homepage is pure FLASH page, the FLASH files of the links to the other a page is search engine included odds is very low.
Web site few pages.
Search engine (SEO) is the slow three clap, for new collection of web site, general meeting several genius will show other pages included.
Mirror website. For mirror site, search engine general station only included home page.




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